July 2009 Forecast
06/29/2009September 2009 Forecast
A project you start now may take additional time and effort to complete. Revising your plan is easier than pushing through when multiple jobs have to be completed. The challenge is responding with what you know and letting others contribute, rather than going solo. The information you need will surface by the end of the month.
Affirmation: God is my immediate and endless supply. *
The focus is on your home and some beautification project as the month begins. A lot of your time can be spent drifting from one idea to another as your prioritize expenditures. Re-working a previous plan can save both time and energy. A short getaway calms your nerves toward the end of the month.
Affirmation: I have all the time I need to accomplish my goals.*
Your energy level is at an all time high. Remember to balance work with play to avoid burnout. Long-range goals demand research and development before you rush ahead. Transformation in your career best when everyone works together, so enlist help when you need it. Eliminate clutter and make room for something really exciting heading your way.
Affirmation: God is my immediate and endless supply.*
Partnerships take on a larger significance this month Cancer. Juggling multiple responsibilities will keep you on your toes. Work behind the scenes helps you accomplish more than your fair share. You may crave additional quiet time to wind down and relax. Watch burning the candle at both ends once you meet that special someone.
Affirmation: The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass, in perfect ways. *
Big changes are brewing on the work front Leo. Imagination and renovation are key to launching new ideas as the month progresses. You may be in the limelight, but workmates assisting with their creativity are key to your success. Friends may seem scattered, so don’t rely on them for anything important, and remember…we’re all human.
Affirmation: Everything I seek is now seeking me, in perfect ways, under Grace. *
Your career is fullsteam ahead now Virgo. Organization is no stranger to a hard worker like you. Shifting gears is mandatory if you want to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Home study or a short computer course will light the fire of creativity in you. Be open to a totally different approach to a long-standing challenge. Miracles happen when you let go~
Affirmation: Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways. *
Your social network gets a boost this month Libra. Long-range plans work best when you involve a partner. An innovative approach gets your creative juices flowing and can open doors to untapped potential. The trick is to let go of the old and make way for the new. Adjustments made now clear the decks for a bright future.
Affirmation: New areas of divine activity are now open for me, if perfect ways *
An unexpected communication from an old friend is just what you need to shake off the cobwebs. If you can manage a short long-distance trip, (without breaking your budget) the journey will re-inspire you. Investments seem shaky when you have all your eggs in one basket. Listen to a trusted advisor for the best advise. Pressures ease at the end of the month.
Affirmation: Everything I seek, is now seeking me, in perfect ways, under grace. *
This is your month for travel Sagittarius. Friends remind you of how far you have come and how much your values have changed. Flexibility is you ally now. Network in your community and develop new partnerships with others as ambitious as yourself. Your style is changing and cleaning out that closet will do more than lift your mood.
Affirmation: I now thank God the giver, for God the gift. *
Keeping a handle on your finances could be a lot like juggling too many balls in the air. Review your goals and be as flexible as possible. Details at work can pull you in more than one direction so delegate when necessary. If you manage to get a vacation, turn off the cell phone and soak up some well-deserved down time.
Affirmations: Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways. *
Ideas you initiate now will only take a few months to get off the ground. Take a few long weekends to touch base with friends and relax. Rewards from consistent effort are due in the form of a raise or promotion. People who know your work ethic are your best allies when reaching out for new opportunities.
Affirmation: New channels of activity are opening for me now, in perfect ways.*
Work demands your constant attention now Pisces. As you prepare for the ending season, look to partners for advise. An older friend may have the perfect solution to a long-standing problem. Negotiate so everyone gets a fair share and remember how your words affect those closest to you. When you respond vs. react it can diffuse a volatile situation.
Affirmation: Every person is a golden link in the chain of my good. *
* Affirmations are from “The Writings of Florence Shinn.”
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