July Forecast 2010
06/30/2010September Forecast 2010
Tap into your creative reserves this month Aries. You shine when it comes to innovation. Balance your need for autonomy between partnerships and social connections. Setting clear boundaries will allow you space to respond vs. react to aggressive types. Career challenges force you to embrace change and compromise.
Affirmation: The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass in perfect ways. *
This month can become a juggling act at your job Taurus. Daily routines are put to the test and streamlined for effectiveness. Prioritize your schedule and remain flexible when dealing with co-workers. Spending time with family or at home will rejuvenate you body, mind and spirit. Plan to get in touch with nature by hiking or getting outdoors.
Affirmation: I have all the time I need to accomplish my goals.*
Children play a prominent role in getting you into new territory this month Gemini. Friendships from afar add a new level of connection. Limiting beliefs can dissolve in the blink of an eye when you’re open to the unexpected. Your creativity is highlighted, and staying true to your inner self dissolves old blockages.
Affirmation: God is my immediate and endless supply.*
Activity accelerates for you this month Cancer, especially around family members. Duties at home involve clearing unnecessary clutter. Remain flexible to negotiate a delicate money matter. Your values are changing to support your happiness in partnerships, and rewards for your hard work are just around the corner.
Affirmation: Everything I seek is now seeking me, in perfect ways. *
This is your month for travel Leo. Embrace the opportunity to get away from it all to feed your adventurous side. A fresh perspective is just what you need to gain clarity about a partnership. Short trips will connect you with friends both near and far. Networking on the job will demand your undivided attention.
Affirmation: Everything I seek is now seeking me, in perfect ways, under Grace. *
Patience and persistence are showing up in rewards for you this month Virgo. Connections increase and your intuition is heightened. Creativity dissolves a limiting belief and ideas flow as easily as opening a book. Watch your dream life for both insight and solutions. There is much movement in stillness.
Affirmation: The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass in perfect ways. *
Your social calendar could be double booked this month Libra. New friends pull you out to explore uncharted territory. Remain open to fresh perspectives. Changes in your home can be negotiated with compromise. Leadership is best when everyone can speak his or her truth. A fitness routine will burn excess energy and help you sleep.
Affirmation: New areas of divine activity are now open for me, if perfect ways *
Working behind the scenes comes naturally for you now Scorpio. Assistance from an experienced co-worker will streamline your efforts, while the details of a project can sidetrack your best intentions. Organize your time to include activities that feed your soul. Inspiration surfaces when you silence your mind and trust your hunches.
Affirmation: Everything I seek, is now seeking me, in perfect ways, under grace. *
Changes to your financial structure demand a creative solution this month Sagittarius. Take care of yourself first…and you’ll have more energy to assist a friend in need. Your community connections could open doors that were previously closed. A long distance trip clears your mind for an innovative undertaking.
Affirmation: I now thank God the giver, for God the gift. *
New responsibilities at work have you organizing in creative ways Capricorn. Navigating social connections can be tricky as you bump into territorial types. Trust your instincts when it comes to balancing career demands and time for yourself. You could receive unexpected help from a family connection.
Affirmations: Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways. *
Goals you’ve put in place move forward this month Aquarius. Eliminate unnecessary information and clutter from your radar. An unexpected communication helps you connect with like-minded partners. Remain flexible with challenges from controlling partnerships. Responding vs. reacting is always in your best interest.
Affirmation: New channels of activity are opening for me now, in perfect ways. *
The intensity is turned up for you this August Pisces. Transformation in your career will demand a new level of commitment. Assertiveness can be your friend when you stop short of aggression. Taking a risk is easier when you invest in something you believe in. Launching a creative project comes easily after the 15th.
Affirmation: Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways. *
* Affirmations are from “The Writings of Florence Shinn.”
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