November Forecast 2011
11/06/2011Monthy Forecast January 2012
Aries, reviewing your goals or long term plans is on the agenda this December. Ideas surface for exploration and after mid-month, and you get more information to fuel your curiosity about a new business partnership. Sorting through the possibilities will challenge you to prioritize your time and stay organized. Putting your own needs above the demands of others will help you stay on track. Finances stabilize toward the end of the month.
em>Affirmation: “Nothing is too good to be true”. *
Taurus, this month has your focus on jointly held resources. Investments need to be scrutinized and information you hear after the 15th can confirm whether a hunch is likely to pay off. Travel plans or educational goals challenge you to use your creativity in new ways. Revise an exercise regime to keep your mental prowess at its best. A project moves forward at the end of the month, when all your hard work pays off.
Affirmation: “Nothing is too wonderful to happen”.*
Partnerships of all sorts are highlighted for you this December, Gemini. Invitations abound, as you seem to be at the top of the guest list for meetings and holiday events. Something about your persona is magnetizing others, as if you have the answer to a question. Stepping into your individuality will enhance new friendships once you learn to listen to what others have to offer. Ask more questions. A home project takes shape at the end of the month.
Affirmation: “All things I seek are now seeking me”. *
Work projects are demanding a lot of your attention this month, Cancer. Attention to detail becomes paramount to stay on budget and meet deadlines. Managing your time can be accomplished by delegating when possible. Shifting gears in your career could emphasize the need to expand along creative lines. Friends and family can be especially demanding, and a reunion or gathering may make sense closer to the New Year.
Affirmation: “All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in a perfect way”. *
Your creativity is highlighted now, Leo. Work seems more like play as you shuffle responsibilities and focus on new connections in the community. Look for an innovative approach to an old challenge by rebuilding alliances. Your energy increases as you invest your energy in and exercise regime. Time management is key to your sanity as the holiday pulls you to share time with a diverse group of friends and family. Opportunities to travel increase as the month closes.
Affirmation: “I am a channel for grace, healing and service as God directs my life.” *
Home projects and family are highlighted this December, Virgo. Revising you goals around creativity and heath demand more time and attention. An optimistic outlook can be sustained by letting others take care of their own emergencies. Time is on your side as you invest in a creative project, and travel is on the agenda after mid-month. A partner inspires you to mix work and pleasure in a most exciting way after the 27th.
Affirmation: “My good now overtakes me in a surprising way”. *
Your energy is pulled in several different directions this month, Libra. Projects take center stage as you connect with those in you neighborhood and community. Reaching out to others may take a back seat to your plans. You could have additional guests or family moving in during this holiday season. Hosting an event or providing entertainment can create stress unless you delegate responsibilities. Get your rest and you’ll be the life of the party.
Affirmation: I now exercise my fearless faith in three ways- by thinking, speaking and acting.” *
This is the month to revise your budget for the New Year, Scorpio. New ways to generate income will present themselves after mid-month. Volunteering your time may make more sense than spending your hard earned dollars. Put yourself first when it comes to the basics, and beware of others who may not be as deserving of your time and energy. Intense communication in your workplace can be handled by responding vs. reacting, so count to 20 if needed. This too shall pass.
Affirmation: Seeming impossible doors now open, seeming channels are free, in perfect ways. *
Sagittarius, working on something near and dear to your heart is highlighted this December. Letting go of an old habit pattern could free up energy and help move your career forward. Putting a lot of time and energy behind projects will breathe creative imagination into their manifestation. Working on something innovative may have you focused closer to home, and developing long established connections in the community. Others benefit with you at the lead.
Affirmation: I now thank God the giver, for God the gift. *
You could be wrapping up several projects behind the scenes, Capricorn. Rethinking your ideas around working with others vs. going solo could be something you’ve been wrestling with. There is a powerful transformation in you now, and ideas begin to take shape. Energy you send out comes back in the form of long-distance communications to coach or mentor others. Relocating or moving forward becomes clear after the 22nd when new information comes to light.
Affirmations: Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways. *
There is a lot of activity going on in your community this December, Aquarius. You could be working with some club or group to implement new projects and the responsibility to organize a project can land squarely in your lap. Budget your money wisely around this holiday season. A home investment could pull your savings or vacation budget. After the 22nd you will have more information on how to prioritize your time to meet the demands of family.
Affirmation: New channels of activity are opening for me now, in perfect ways. *
You could be shifting gears in your career this month, Pisces. New projects get your attention, but there may be too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Negotiating contracts will run smoother after mid-month. Work projects take more time than usual, and it may be after Christmas before you get that much needed time off. Opportunities to travel or explore present themselves closer to the New Year, when you have both the time and money to go exploring with your partner.
Affirmation: Every person is a golden link in the chain of my good. *
* Affirmations are from “The Writings of Florence Shinn.”
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