June 2022
06/28/2022Virgo New Moon
08/27/2022The Full Moon this Aug 11th falls in the Sabian Symbol 20 Aquarius, “A Large White Dove Bearing a Message” This is symbolic of messages from the spiritual side of life. Guidance and other communications are heightened. The Full Moon chart contains a grand square, which is a signature of tension and change. Challenges appear unexpectedly, and we’re faced with how to deal with them. The energy of this full moon is reflective, and we have the opportunity to put our skills to the test. Action oriented Mars trines Pluto, and lends support for bigger transformations that transpire. We still need to plan and think before acting.
Saturn is typically where there’s something difficult to do. Since it’s in the sign of Aquarius community is where we’re called. There are shifts and changes in more than one area. I’m picturing a row of dominoes set neatly in a wavy design. Once we push the lead domino, they topple in a chain reaction. Grand squares affect several areas that rely on one another. How can we pull together in crisis? What resources are available when disasters strike unexpectedly?
Mercury travels through Virgo until the 26th. It’s level headed, get to the bottom of problems attitude guides us intuitively. We’re leaning more on our perceptions too. How do we navigate so many shifts? Mercury’s trine to the North Node suggest letting our values lead the way. The ruler of the North Node, Venus, is opposing Pluto in this chart. Power struggles may present themselves. Decide what deserves your time and attention. The Leo Sun squaring the Nodes can let ego get the best of us. Definitely pick your battles, or as a good friend says, “don’t pick up the rope”.
Cooperation and seeing eye to eye comes easier August 25th, when chatty Mercury enters the negotiating air sign of Libra. With Venus starting to oppose Saturn at the end of the month, we may be tightening our financial belts. At the very least, being economical can serve us.
If you’d like to know more about your own chart and the transits, visit: www.terriquintelastrology.com