New Moon – November 29th 2016
11/28/2016New Moon Forecast – December 28, 2016
12/27/2016The Full Moon on December 13th is described by the Sabian Symbol degree of Gemini 23: “Three fledglings in a nest, high in a tree.” We may be proving something to ourselves, and the time is approaching to make significant changes. Soon we will aim for new horizons. Now is a time of preparation. With Venus, planet of values and relationships in Aquarius, we connect with people who help us transcend our current views. We’ll experience the last retrograde of Mercury this year on the 19th. It’s connection to Pluto in Capricorn cautions us to expect intense communications. Reversals and delays are the tip of the iceberg. Powerful people are connected to this signature in regards to bosses or upper management. We could feel like waking from a dream…only to realize we’re still in one! Pluto is connected to the archetypal Phoenix rising from the ashes. Let’s just hope Mars, planet of war, moving into Pisces is about compassion and not the crazy rebel looking for a fight. I would like to say this is an easy forecast, but the planet Uranus has been throwing curve balls into my reality ever since the election. I’ve noticed Saturn is holding a steady restraint on expansive Jupiter and revolutionary Uranus. Since Jupiter and Uranus are in opposition we’re feeling like breaking free from unnecessary restrictions. Just don’t burn any bridges. Mercury retrograde doesn’t give us a green light to launch our plans until January 8th. No one said developing patience was easy, but you’ll thank me when you see how much time and energy you saved.
On the 22nd we can flex our creative muscles with the Uranus-Jupiter aspect of genius and farsightedness. You’ll have both insight and stamina to see a project through to completion. Once the Christmas holiday arrives we’re all too ready to disconnect from the rat race and settle in with family. The ongoing retrograde is reconnecting us, and the 28th promises to share additional information about an important project you’re exploring. Reviewing and double checking facts and figures will pay off. Saturn demands we forego the shortcut this time around. Rewards arrive later in the New Year. Until the New Moon… Happy Holidays.