New Moon October 2019
10/27/2019Astrology June 2020
05/30/2020Full Moon – November 2019
Many of the events over the next two weeks will repeat at the end of November as Mercury inches forward over the degrees it’s retrograding now. De-ja-vu is in the air. November 11th is the mid-point of the Mercury retrograde cycle. As it conjuncts the Sun we get clarity around an issue. This week we’re pulled into new perceptions that manifest anywhere from an aha to a creative breakthrough. Novel information changes the landscape of our visions. Allowing yourself to slow down is the first step.
A retrograde planet takes on the energy of the second sign it rules. This period is like Virgo on steroids. Details and nuances send us back to the drawing board to get things just right. Accomplishing our goals requires a determined approach this month.
The illuminating Full Moon on the 12th takes on the Sabian Symbol for 20 – Taurus,
“Wisps of clouds, like wings, are streaming across the sky”
Mercury is the messenger.
Mercury sextiles Saturn – Nov. 13th and 29th
Ideas and synchronicities enter our orbit through the beginning of December. Let go of ideas that hold no growth and embrace maturing perceptions.
Sun sextiles Pluto – Nov. 13th Transformative Pluto allows us to let go of old routines and embrace new ones.
Mercury trines Neptune – Nov. 13th & 28th First thought best thought. Trust your intuition when meeting new people.
Venus squares Neptune – Nov. 14th
Your long range goals require taking a creative risk. Your inventiveness is at an all time high.
Mars enters Scorpio –And Opposes Uranus
Nov. 20th – 22nd A new level of intensity helps you shed old versions of yourself.
Sun enters Sagittarius – Nov. 22nd
It’s time for a fresh perspective. (road trip?)
Mars quincunx Chiron – Sun trines Chiron -Nov. 22nd
You gotta laugh or you gotta cry. Holding onto resentment creates an anchor. There’s no time like the present to forgive the past.
Venus into Capricorn – Nov. 25th
Cleaning out the closet (garage, basement or storage) really is an intuitive hit. Getting organized is a good first step toward your new vision.
Sun Quincunx Uranus – Adjustments and delays could be a blessing in disguise. This creative aspect is part of the New Moon energy. We’ll see you then for a report on Mercury moving direct in December. If you’d like to see how these aspects affect your chart, call today and schedule a session.