July 2018 Solar Eclipse
07/11/2018New Moon Solar Eclipse August 2018
08/11/2018Just one day before the July 27th Eclipse there is a Mercury retrograde that lingers through August 18th. I get images of and ostrich. A reminder to stay grounded. It also symbolizes digesting information before you assimilate it out into the world. We can focus on this instead of the frantic responses I hear when the retrograde is mentioned.
What…the what? Oh, crap. Not again! And… How much longer?
I’m learning to make peace with the communication reversal. The opportunity lies in slowing our pace. Review creative ideas and get really good with time management. Especially when the shit hits the fan. Finding and correcting mistakes happens too because no one’s walking on water. Your opportunity to get organized increases. There’s a global downshift so you can get your ducks in a row. Refining and developing now will allow you to present a clearer idea. With both Saturn (organization) and Mars (ambition) retrograde too, your launch date for any project is best after September 6th.
The energy of this Lunar Eclipse will play out over the next six months. Gasp! Yep. Get uncomfortable. The Sabian Symbols represent different views of the planets involved in this Eclipse. The first is about listening to the voice within for solutions. We resonate a different energy when we are focused and consistent in our daily lives. Does that mean meditation, moving your body, healthy nutrition? They all support your highest potential.
When we are challenged to realign our goals and ideas, other people may question our sanity. Yes, you can look like the crazy person in the room. That’s probably why men are so much better at concealing their plans…so no one can squelch them! Get uncomfortable.
Beware the shadow side of this Eclipse. You know, the feeling of not good enough. And, condescending remarks. If anything, this smoke and mirror pressure is just another distraction. When I look at my own response to challenges, the F-bomb flies out first. I’ve learned to sit with that compulsion to blow things up. Responding vs Reacting is the mantra. Resist the urge to judge too. Get curious instead and see if there’s something to learn or claim from your interaction.
The Eclipse degree is explained as a strong pull to the past that includes faith – hope – wisdom and understanding. From a cultural perspective we all go through similar challenges. We just experience things in different tribes and languages. Truth and direction are sometimes deeply imbedded in soul memory. And, like a baby duck that knows instinctively how to swim, you too carry knowledge. The “How To” guts of an idea.
When I push my talent under a rug because I fear vulnerability, the Earth doesn’t stop spinning. The ancestors simply keep vigil for the person with enough courage to step up, show up and honor the calling! That’s why historically, things are invented in two different parts of the world around the same time. See Wikipedia’s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multiple_discoveries
We have a third Solar Eclipse August 11th. The light at the end of the tunnel, because we’re still looking at the next 6 months. Yet again! It’s described as a collapse of plans or lifestyles that can change a person’s direction. This reminds me of the recent fires in the western states and how people were displaced. The most severely affected had to rebuild and start again. Their resilience is the take-away. We are stronger in the survival, and the faith that we have everything we need to carry on.
If you would like to see exactly how this affects you from a personal or business perspective contact Terri@TerriQuintelAstrology.com today.