Monthly Forecast April 2015
04/03/2015Monthly Forecast June 2015
05/28/2015The Sun moved into Taurus, April 20th bringing our focus on values and finances. From the values perspective… what do you need? This isn’t just a financial question. Think of it on a feeling level. Taurus gets us back in our body. We may need better nutrition or to move our body and get more sun. The Full Moon, May 3rd ,reflects the past weeks. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is about restoring connections. When lines of communication are repaired, we have an opportunity to be more effective. The communication planet, Mercury, is now back in it’s home sign of curious Gemini. The pace quickens with all forms of networking, writing and travel. Watch glazing over details with this frenzied activity. This three week period marks the same territory Mercury will retrace once retrograde. Now is the time to catch critical mistakes and double check our work. You can be sure that a restlessness will permeate the months activities. Even though mufti-tasking is tempting… single focus will accomplish more now.
Venus will end her travel through Gemini on May 7th. When this soothing planet enters Cancer, it highlights the home. Family and children are prominent. We are nurturing our nest and may beautify our surroundings in some way too. Painting, buying new furnishings or planting a garden all qualify. While action oriented Mars is still in Taurus the first week of May, we have less inclination to initiate new projects. By May 11th, the excess energy is apparent with rambunctious Mars in Gemini and we’re adding projects and juggling responsibilities. The phrase “There’s no time like the present,” can seize us as we navigate new waters. You can develop a bit of courage by unleashing your thoughts and ideas too! The New Moon on the 17th is reflective of the 27th degree of Taurus. “Unexpected recovery of romance”. This phase is about second chances and starting over. With this in mind…Mercury begins its retrograde, May 20th until June 11. Slowing down now may seem like a huge oxymoron. If you can take care of what you’ve set in motion, and wait to add new projects or sign important papers until Mercury goes direct… things tend to go smoother. The Sun will be entering Gemini on the 21st and you’ll have plenty of ideas to review. We’re feeling the pressure to be realistic and consider limitations. Developing a little patience can relieve the frustration of expecting too much. With ambitious Jupiter in Leo, we’re still very optimistic about the creative side of life. Whatever hobby or interest keeps nagging away at you… carve out some time to engage it. A balanced life has more than one focus. Part of your adjustment with expansive Jupiter and transformational Pluto is learning how to play again. Like dancing like no one is watching, or singing really loud in the car with the windows rolled down. When is the last time you just laughed uncontrollably? That’s the edge we want. There is as much healing in laughter as in tears.
Saturn is moving slowly backwards through Sagittarius. Lessons from the past are repeated or examined. We’re encouraged to find our voice with challenges. Maybe the best outcome is agreeing to disagree. The other wild card this month is Uranus in spontaneous Aries. It’s easy trine to fun-loving Jupiter has unexpected surprises coming our way. If we look with wonder at what is before us… there is always a newness to the most ordinary of days. Lastly, imaginative Neptune is inspiring us to dream big and hold our visions for the future. Until next month…