Monthly Forecast July 2013
07/01/2013Monthly Forecast September 2013
08/31/2013Work is the fartherest thing from your mind this month, Aries. Use your creativity to stay on track and utilize journaling or another hobby for balance. Your negotiation skills are keen when it comes to deciphering details. Partners come to your aid after mid-month. Try stepping out of your comfort zone to get a different result. You may not be able to stay out of the spotlight, so be smart about having fun and plan ahead.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, and I easily meet people to help me reach my goals.”
Home is where your heart is this month, Taurus. Although being able to spend much time there will be a challenge. Plan on entertaining or having fun at your place for a change. New partners spice up the scenery and pull you out to play mid-month. Invest in yourself by making sure you eat a health diet and save the splurges for special occasions. Keep up the pace by taking very good care of yourself.
Affirmation: “New fields of activity are opening, in perfect ways.”
Networking is key to reaching your goals this month, Gemini. Your energy is up, but the details of work keep you up way past your bedtime. Plan ahead to stay on track with important details. Managing your finances will be easier after mid-month when you’re likely to see that bonus or increase from past efforts. New connections will help you balance all that effort with some good old fashioned fun.
Affirmation: “New doors of activity are opening with ease, and I take a leap of faith”
You could be making a huge investment this month, Cancer. Putting your hard earned dollars on something “just for you” is a dream come true. Interesting partnerships spring from your usual hang-outs or neighborhood connections. It’s imperative you get out there and mingle. Short trips and lots of calls will keep you from getting stuck in a routine. Expect the unexpected when you go with the flow.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, and the divine plan of my life takes shape.”
You are brimming with new ideas as the month begins, Leo. Sometimes we need to let something go in order to move forward. This could feel like one of those times. Effort toward strengthening family ties can usher in feelings of nostalgia. Your immediate neighborhood is a wonderful playground to meet new friends and establish a network of resources. Investing in yourself will pay off handsomely.
Affirmation: “Everything I seek is now seeking me, in perfect ways.”
Reflecting on the past can fast track you forward this month, Virgo. There is a feeling of conscious expansion as you streamline connections. Creating a focus for projects may involve a complete structural change. Keeping just the right pieces of your foundation should not be difficult. Investing in some much needed downtime will increase your productivity. Short breaks are better than running on empty.
Affirmation: “I am surrounded with joy, and the plan of my life takes shape.”
You could be more community oriented this month, Libra. Group endeavours put your negotiating skills to the test. Short trips and training may also be on your agenda. Your style is changing, and updating your wardrobe will boost your self-confidence. Going after a long-range goal takes more than courage. Revise your self-talk with positive affirmations to support your wildest dreams.
Affirmation: “Everything I seek is now appearing in miraculous ways, under grace.”
Demands on your time and effort have increased this month, Scorpio. Stay out of the comfort zone and explore new territory to edge in front of the competition. Expanding your vision may also mean focusing on your management skills. Delegation will allow you to do what you do best. Balance work with time for exercise, rest and reflection.
Affirmation: “The divine plan of my life now takes shape, in perfect ways.”
Dreaming of far-off places or actually going there is on your agenda, Sagittarius. Being the caretaker could also mean taking care of yourself this month. Expectations weigh heavy on both heart and soul as you navigate difficult family relationships. Shift your perspective to symbolic sight and use positive affirmations. Focus on faith vs. fear. Pack your bags when adventure presents itself. You’re good to go.
Affirmation: “Before I ask, my prayers are answered, in perfect ways.”
You could be facing some difficult decisions this month, Capricorn. Streamlining your schedule will require letting go of others expectations. Stick to your own agenda. Powerful mentors step forward to assist you with sweeping change, both internal and external. Prepare for your income to increase, along with additional responsibilities. No worries, your energy soars when pursuing a passion.
Affirmations: “The divine plan of my life now takes shape in fun, creative directions.”
Demands on the work-front have you burning the candle at both ends, Aquarius. The details of a project can force you to cut anything not directly related to business. Be sure to ask for referrals, not everyone could put the pieces of this puzzle together. Expect to see an increase in your account soon. You’ll be ready for some down time by months end, scheduled of course.
Affirmation: “I now finance faith in my abilities, and the divine plan of my life begins to take shape.”
The workplace could be your focus as the month begins, Pisces. Paying attention to your health will help you with additional demands on your energy. Keep your eye on a long range goal. Your creativity has you miles in front of the competition, and anything can happen in the blink of an eye. Balance your life with play and family time…if you can squeeze it into the schedule. Laughter is a known stress reliever.
Affirmation: “New field of activity are opening in perfect ways.“
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