Monthly Forecast December 2012
11/30/2012February Forcast 2013
02/01/2013This year goes out like a lamb and in like a lion, Aries. Your organizational skills will be put to the test as the work-pace quickens. Your family of friends will encourage your independent spirit. Be sure you follow through on your schedule before you commit to an outsider’s plans. Slow and steady wins the race.
Affirmation: “I am a light of hope and joy in the world.”
Your long range plans are becoming a reality, Taurus. Stay open to who you meet and watch opportunity land in your lap. Demanding partnerships will hold you accountable. Forget going solo, you’ll need all hands on deck for an upcoming project. A restless energy will help you accomplish more by using innovative methods.
Affirmation: “I step into my creativity with confidence and ease.”
There is an expansive feeling to this New Year, Gemini. You could be relying on others resources now. The intensity and seriousness of your communications will put you squarely in charge. Use innovative ides and pay strict attention to deadlines. A training or conference will boost your effectiveness.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, and I easily meet people to help me reach my goals.”
Your idea of fun portrays an element of seriousness this month, Cancer. Partnerships play a key role for you in both work and creative pursuits. Flashes of insight are edging you into uncharted territory. Something from your childhood could inspire you in a whole new direction.
Affirmation: “The divine plan of my life now takes shape in fun, creative directions.”
Whomever said less is more wasn’t juggling your day planner, Leo. Networking will pay off with new connections and fresh ideas. You could be resurrecting an old business somehow. Lean on friends to come up with innovative ideas. Two heads ARE better than one, especially when you add a great-full spirit.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, and the design of my life takes shape.”
A shift in the cosmos opened another creative doorway this month, Virgo. You are brimming with ideas to streamline a heavy workload. Everyone you meet is a messenger, and opportunities present themselves with amazing synchronicity. Focusing on the outcome is the fast-track to success.
Affirmation: “Before I ask, it is set in motion in perfect ways.”
Your home could be the source of both inspiration and perspiration this month, Libra. Trying to please everyone is less exciting than listening to your creative urges. Investigating the potential return of your efforts will help you gauge how to invest your valuable time and resources.
Affirmation: “Everything I seek is now appearing in miraculous ways, under grace.”
This month you hit the ground running, Scorpio. A new intensity accompanies your daily routine. You may feel like a one man show as you transition from one project to the next. Untried methods could be just the ticket for a long standing challenge. Taking a time out is better than running on empty.
Affirmation: “I look with wonder at each new day.”
Opportunities come through partnerships this month, Sagittarius. You have plenty of motivation from friends and family. There’s hardly a moment to catch your breath, although scheduling a nap or two will help you prepare for the next phase. Invest in yourself now, you can’t go wrong.
Affirmation: “New doors of activity are opening with ease and I take a leap of faith.”
Those closest to you notice something different in your energy, Capricorn. This is “your season”. While plans could be perfectly set, you’re best bet is to remain flexible. Adjustments to the demands of work or others scheduling may have you juggling. Your friends are a great touchstone to keep you grounded with constant change.
Affirmations: “Spirit makes a way where there is no way.”
This month will be like a breath of fresh air, Aquarius. Did I mention the intensity of your communications may require an equally fresh perspective? Nothing feels quite the same as you prepare to move in new directions. Make it up you go. Pulling ideas from thin air is easy…because you did your homework.
Affirmation: “I now finance faith in my abilities, and the divine plan of my life begins to take shape.”
Your community of friends are highlighted now, Pisces. Clearing clutter will prepare you for a big transition. Dust off your suitcase, it’s time to get out of that rut. Nothing gets you going like an adventure. Especially when your planting new roots. Dream Big!
Affirmation: “I am now surrounded with unexpected joy, and the plan of my life takes shape.“
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