Monthly Forecast May 2016
05/05/2016Monthly Forecast July 2016
06/30/2016June is full of twists and turns. We’ll experience a grand square around the 4th. This configuration is often described as a “crisis in action.” We have multiple planets involved, including the Sun and Moon, which often act as fast moving triggers to the slower transiting planetary aspects. This means you finally have a situation that causes you to respond in a more dynamic way. The previous actions you’ve been taking in regards to an ongoing task are simply ineffective now. With the current Mars retrograde repeating a similar signature, we’re compelled to “constructively alter an energy pattern that otherwise could end up becoming very self-depleting and non-productive”. Bill Tierney has more on this in his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis. Did I mention there’s no Easy Button on this? The Grand Trine says you have the necessary skills and Mars remains retrograde until June 29th, giving us plenty of energy to go after our goals. Working out is a great way to channel any excess energy… especially if you’re under a lot of stress.
The New Moon on the 4th colors the month with the Sabian Symbol, 14 Gemini, “A Conversation by Telepathy” This symbol encourages us to follow our hunches. Synchronicity increases when we’re true to the inner voice. You know its intuitive information when it arrives “out of the blue”. Mercury, the planet of communication, goes into Gemini on June 12th. The pace of your life picks up. Phone calls, correspondence and short trips escalate. Your conversations carry more weight and possibility now, so choose your words wisely. Negotiation on the 19th involves slow moving Pluto holding beneficial aspects to the North and South Nodes of the Moon. Powerful people are put on your path. Opportunities can feel fated around the 21st, when a delay works in your favor.
On June 20th, the Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is 30 Sagittarius, “The Pope” “a person is strengthened within himself by the appreciation he succeeds in winning from his fellows. Marc Jones book on the symbols goes on the say, “The key word is SANCTITY” It describes an enduring kind of service that is beneficial to the race at large. On the 26th, we find a YOD between Mars, Uranus and Mercury. Whatever you’ve set in motion this month will require an adjustment or face a possible delay. It could mean taking a closer look at finances and values to navigate your next steps. The 28th is great for meeting new people so get out there and mingle…