Monthly Forecast February 2012
01/31/2012Monthly Forecast April 2012
04/01/2012March begins with your focus on a long-range goal, Aries. Your ability to voice your insight begins to open doors and networking pays off with new connections. Your values around establishing a stronger base of operations starts to take shape, and an opportunity to invest in something for your future is now within reach. Avoid giving up too much or spreading yourself too thin. Managing your time and focusing on your intuitive flashes will help generate additional income and reach your dreams.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free.” *
You could be looking for new avenues to invest your money this month, Taurus. Let go of frivolous spending and stick to a budget to alignment with your goals. Pursue a creative project and partner with others to stay connected to your community. Flashes of insight from your dreams can assist you in innovative ways. The details of a health or fitness goal fall into place when you let others to support your efforts. Investing more time and energy on the things you love will pay off in big dividends.
Affirmation: “Every loving and unselfish thought has in it the germ of success.” *
Gemini, your focus turns more towards community connections this month. Short trips and partnering with new groups will uncover opportunities. There is a challenge to help others with long-range goals or projects. Juggling responsibility at home and work may demand you let go of unnecessary distractions. Friends resurface to assist you with goals set in motion earlier this year and you could be reevaluating a partnership. Prioritize a health and fitness plan to boost your energy.
Affirmation: “Nothing is too wonderful to happen.” *
This month you could transform a creative interest into a career, Cancer. Stepping into management or a position where you take on more responsibility challenges you to focus on your extroverted side. Women could play an important role in your advancement, and opportunities take shape around travel. Neighborhood connections open doors that allow you to generate additional income. Coming up with innovative solutions is easy once you learn to trust your intuition and flashes of insight. Working on time-management will allow you to get the rest you need.
Affirmation: “The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass.” *
You could be taking a harder look at financial resources this month, Leo. Investments may get more of your attention as you weigh needs vs. wants. Spending on a creative project or education enhances your effectiveness. Internet communication is key to a management or organizational opportunity, and you could be traveling to learn new skills. There is a challenge to pay attention to details and let go of any unnecessary distractions. Connections in the community are behind you to organize and bring people together.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, under grace, in perfect ways.” *
Networking with others and pursuing a creative inspiration will have you buzzing this month, Virgo. You may be asked to represent a group in some way. Don’t underestimate the opportunity of the connections you make now. You could be the sounding board for others fears or frustrations and seem to have an answer for everyone…the answer is everyone taking responsibility for their own actions. It is a challenge to balance your needs with those of a partner. Focusing your free time on the home and projects there will keep you grounded. Balance means scheduling time to disconnect from the noise to relax and recharge.
Affirmation: “My good now overtakes me in a surprising way”. *
The workplace demands a lot of your time and attention this month, Libra. It is important to take some time out for reflection and insight into your projects. You seem to have synchronistic meetings with others that generate innovative ideas to carry you forward. An investment opportunity that comes your way mid-month and could pay off in the future. Pay attention to your dreams for insight on how to resolve issues at work and let go of negative self-talk.
Affirmation: “Seemingly impossible doors now open, seeming impossible channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
Children or creative goals are highlighted for you now, Scorpio. There is an opportunity to work on a community project and organize activities that will serve others. Stick to a budget and support long range goals by creating a vision statement or plan to keep you on-track. Friends step up to help you with their time and energy. Implementing old ideas with a new approach can be accomplished with the right team that has similar values. Avoid bickering by considering everyone’s input and work consistently toward a common goal. Expect to have your fair share of messages and calls.
Affirmation: “Seeming impossible doors now open, seeming channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
This month your focus is on the home-front, Sagittarius. Writing or journaling will help you organize insights on a creative project. A stronger foundation is now in place, and it is important to pay attention to the details and go after what you want. Look at the bigger picture to determine what you need, set strong boundaries and negotiate so you don’t shortchange yourself. You could generate additional income from a hobby connected to children or pets.
Affirmation: “New channels of activity are opening for me now, in perfect ways.” *
You could be challenged to juggle a lot of responsibilities this month, Capricorn. Unexpected communications on the home-front inspire you to reestablish your beliefs or values. There is an opportunity to form new connections around children and either teach or coach on a fundamental level. Your outlook or ideas will inspire others to change their attitudes in some unique way. Expect your creative ideas to take shape as you transform old projects into new formats.
Affirmations: “I now thank God the giver, for god the gift.” *
This is the month to reevaluate your values, Aquarius. There is a need to eliminate clutter and make room for something new. This clearing could include negative self-talk that is transformed into supportive statements to inspire you in new directions. Flashes of insight will nudge you to develop connections in your community. You could be working on a project in the home and creating new space or considering an addition. Making a list will help you remember details and nuances. Burn any stress with exercise or a walking program.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
You are working on a personal project or organizing something behind the scenes this month, Pisces. Your finances are up for review and your values are changing. Unexpected calls link you to technology or fields you’ve only dabbled in in the past. Short trips connect you with opportunities to invest in land or property. Focused energy and compromise are the key to opening new doors. Issues around health can be resolved by paying more attention to a fitness and nutrition plan. Excess energy and stress can be burned in fun creative ways when you let others in to play.
Affirmation: “Every person is a golden link in the chain of my good.” *
* Affirmations are from “The Writings of Florence Shinn.”
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