Monthly Forecast April 2010
04/01/2010Monthly Forecast June 2010
Big shifts are going on in your house of career Aries. Transformation and change come in the form of new management or reorganization. You’re on the edge of uncharted territory, and a feeling of acceleration could inspire you to create new goals for yourself or those closest to you. Picking up a new sport or tackling a creative project will help you burn energy in positive ways.
em>Affirmation: “Nothing is too good to be true”. *
Flexibility is on your side this month Taurus. Stay open to changing values and ideas to help you launch new projects. Home repairs or additions demand your energy, and a creative approach adds an element of fun. Community connections inspire you to use your ingenuity to launch a plan to serve others. Networking will connect you will new information to move forward with both inspiration and courage.
Affirmation: “Nothing is too wonderful to happen”.*
Expect the unexpected this month Gemini. While your networking and communication skills are put to the test, your intuitive voice is reshaping your beliefs and values. Old habit patterns and fears are surfacing to be eliminated once and for all. Counseling or meditation will clear any stubborn cobwebs from your screen and assist you in moving forward. Excitement comes when you listen to your feelings and stay open to possibility. ~
Affirmation: “All things I seek are now seeking me”. *
Networking is key to your success this month Cancer. While you can usually be found at home, that is not the case this spring. Your energy level is higher than normal and you might have to turn off your cell if you want to accomplish everything on your list. Back-up your computer on a regular basis to avoid loosing your hard earned research. Don’t fret if you have to go back to the drawing board…every detail counts.
Affirmation: “All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in a perfect way”. *
You start this month will a new level of energy and courage Leo. Recent changes in the workplace have you brainstorming creative ways to connect with others and make a difference. Adjustments to jointly held resources may force you to take a step back and delay an important decision. Financial opportunities have a break or compromise element to them. Once you set your priorities, stay the course and don’t get discouraged.
Affirmation: “I serve only faith and my unlimited abundance is now released, in perfect ways”. *
As much as you avoid the limelight, there is just no escaping it now Virgo. Stand up for your rights and draw a line in the sand to create new boundaries for yourself. It’s perfectly okay to change your mind…more than once this month. Unexpected information about a work situation can usher in an exciting vision. Stay true to who you are and grow your talents. Friends are ready to explore and play so keep a bag packed.
Affirmation: “My good now overtakes me in a surprising way”. *
Reviewing joint finances and serious talks are on the agenda for Librans this month. Changes in the work place demand both flexibility and patience. Misunderstandings are likely if you don’t take the time to listen for the feeling behind the words. Balancing work with play is essential to ignite your creative spark alive. Network with friends and accept any impromptu invitation to try something different or explore new territory.
Affirmation: “I now exercise my fearless faith in three ways- by thinking, speaking and acting.” *
Once this month begins the energy in your workplace will soar Scorpio. Keep the pace by attending meetings and negotiating the details of change. Your genius for transforming the old into the new will shine. Adjust your busy schedule to enjoy the buds of spring before they fall away. Serious talks can set you on a new course…once you discover the problem; a solution is just around the corner.
Affirmation: “Seeming impossible doors now open, seeming channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
Your workplace is being revamped this month Sagittarius. Embracing new values or ideas will come easily after the 11th. Stay open to meeting new people as Venus enters you 7th house of relationship. No one will have to ask you twice about a last minute trip. Adventure calms your nerves like a nap works for babies. Shifts to your value system will continue…and the restructuring may dissolve any long-held beliefs that no longer serve you.
Affirmation: “I now thank God the giver, for God the gift.” *
Change is just around the corner Capricorn, and you could find yourself organizing the details of a much-needed sabbatical. New directions emerge once you set your course. This is definitely the month to explore fun with family and friends. Adjustments to community or group expectations are part of the drama this month.
Affirmations: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
As much as Aquarius likes playing the revolutionary, you could be looking for ways to calm down this month instead. Long-term habits can become ruts, and it’s time to bounce if you find yourself in one. Of all the signs, you’re master of innovation. Once you map the territory…put one foot in front of the other and you’ll find yourself at the top of your game. Support from behind the scenes is a phone call away. ~
Affirmation: “New channels of activity are opening for me now, in perfect ways.” *
Putting your energy into the details of a project will get you further than planned Pisces. Once you adjust your expectations to reality, they seem to morph into attainable goals. Friends are magic connections to new areas of possibility. All that networking is opening a vista for exploration. You could be captivated by a charming individual.
Affirmation: “Every person is a golden link in the chain of my good.” *
* Affirmations are from “The Writings of Florence Shinn.”
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