Monthly Forecast August 2014
08/03/2014Monthly Forecast October 2014
09/30/2014September is ushered in with Mercury, the planet of communication, moving into the relationship house of Libra. Expect lots of invitations and gatherings this fall as activities build around new acquaintances. Others become a mirror to reflect how ideas and projects move forward and are tweaked with the Sun’s passage through detail oriented Virgo. You could be taking a harder look at health matters too. The Sun in the sixth house magnifies how you feed your body and mind. Once Venus, the planet of creativity, joins the Sun in Virgo on September 5th, you’re innovative side begins to show. Whether cooking up a new meal or coursework to spur your career, this Venusian energy can breathe new life into stale routines. Relationships in the sixth often take the form of co-workers and mentors, and they both can teach you something now.
Courage to try innovative and bold approaches will get the nod once Mars moves into the ninth house of higher education on the 13th. Travel in all forms may pull you to explore and break up routines. Whatever connections you make now could open the door to long-term possibilities. Teamwork turns to research around the 18th and talkative Mercury fins a subtle way to communicate via synchronicity.
By the end of September, Mercury will be entering Scorpio, and key people can show up unexpectedly on our path if we’re open to contribution vs. self absorption. Relationships take on an intense vibe with the 8th house emphasis September 27th . First thought, best thought, when it comes to following your intuition here.
Affirmation: “New fields of activity are opening in perfect ways.“
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