Full Moon – August 2018
08/24/2018September’s Aries Full Moon 2018
09/23/2018September 7th the planet of discipline, Saturn, goes direct. It’s 4½ month retrograde was an opportunity to restructure and build a foundation of support around a passion. Saturn is about maturing an area of life we have outgrown. As it moves into forward motion we’re evaluating what no longer feeds us. Our inner parent needs a tune up. Like a car, if we never check the moving parts or maintain the engine, we can easily get stranded or sidelined. This review can literally kick start us into gear! Facing a fear is part of the challenge to put plans into motion.
Implementing your creative ideas is supported by action-oriented Mars going into inventive Aquarius, September 10th. What ideas can you implement? Working in groups or networking will build a web of new connections. It supports the collaboration of like-minded people with vastly different skill sets. You’ll recognize these partnerships for the depth of understanding they bring to the table. Venus moving in Scorpio intensifies values.
If you find yourself butting heads, agree to take a time out. In a screaming match, nothing is heard or understood. Damage control can start before things escalate. When opinions collide in conversations, give yourself breathing room…listen behind the words. What emotions are behind the message? Address that.
“Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you’ve attached to something not true for you” Byron Katie.
September 21st the planet of communication, Mercury, moves into cooperative Libra. The Sun follows the very next day. Being open to help can be as rewarding as giving it. We all get into a mess once in a while, and friends can often see solutions we have glossed over. Compromise and a willingness to explore options is classic Libra style.
When the Sun squares Saturn, September 25th, we are challenged to work consistently toward our goals. The large bumble-bee looping and buzzing along the purple flowers lining my fence spoke to me loudly today, and it’s symbolism says it perfectly:
“accomplishing quests that appear to be impossible…Bee is a builder, no matter how great the dream, there is the promise of fulfillment if we pursue it” Ted Andrews, Animal Speak
The support and determination we need is here at last. It can change the direction of your life, but risk feels edgy. It also motivates us to get up in the morning. The biggest step is one of faith. We have the transformative energy of Pluto going direct on September 30th. Awareness of the present moment is where your power lies.
Pluto is descriptive of large masses of people, the public and those in powerful positions. Often this reversal of the collective consciousness brings a secret to light. We can only hope it’s bright enough to light the dark.
If you would like to schedule a personal consultation and learn more go to TerriQuintelAstrology.com.