Aries Full Moon – October 2022
Leo Full Moon – February 2023
02/04/2023The Scorpio Solar Eclipse
Early October mornings give us the perfect example of big change. The crisp air and heavy dew drops cover cars and lawns in a soft watery blanket. The Scorpio Solar Eclipse is also emotionally watery. You may notice complete reversals of familiar routines, and other quite unexpected reversals. That’s because eclipses have the reputation of setting us off in new directions. Sometimes planned and at other times, it seems God has put something in your way. Good or bad has no weight in the matter. What does matter is, you’re learning how to navigate in fresh territory. Change is a constant. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is 2-Scorpio,
“A Broken Bottle and Spilled Perfume”
This can represent a need to let go of values that are passing away. It could also symbolize how breaking apart is needed to sort out a problem. Distance or a fresh perspective is needed. For some, the energy of this eclipse is about falling quickly in or out of love. That’s seen by the close conjunction of the relationship planet Venus, to the New Moon energy of the Sun and Moon. This creative Venus also carries the possibility of putting a lot of energy behind some group activity. Camaraderie and new friendships have their roots in exploration. Why not go someplace new? Travel and step on a new path of education in whatever direction your passion lies.
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