The September Full Moon 2019
09/13/2019October’s Full Moon in Aries
10/12/2019Fall is my favorite time of year. There’s something about the cool breezes that consume the atmosphere and cooler weather that signals a new season. The fall equinox is a time of harvest. The fabled storybook character Henny Penny is a great example of the current energy. She worked hard to plant and grow a crop, gather the wheat and make bread. Where has your focus been? When Saturn went direct, it released the culmination of the last 5 months of effort. If there was nothing planted in the garden, there is nothing to harvest. We have glimmers of past efforts as we approach this New Moon on September 27th. It’s Sabian Symbol is 6-Libra, “A Man Watches His Ideals Taking A Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision” This symbol, more than any other, is encouraging us to move forward toward our dreams. Ideas are the first step. What happens from there is the faith and inspiration to move ideas into concrete form. Your intuition is the internal guidance that puts the coordinates on the map. Uranus is tied to this New Moon and pushes your creative ideas to the forefront. Authenticity is required. Develop the genius and insights you receive. Stepping outside the comfort zone dissolves anxiety. Often what stops us are old tapes that simply keep us stuck in dead end loops. Jupiter moving through Sagittarius likes taking a risk. Just go for it.
“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth;
not going all the way, and not starting.” Buddha
September 30th Venus squares Pluto. The stage is set like a row of dominoes ready to fall in synchronistic style. Relationships are challenging us to lead with fairness and integrity. October 3rd, informative Mercury goes into intense Scorpio. Information that was previously hidden comes to light. This detective type influence ferrets out details like no other. Follow that with action oriented Mars going into the negotiating sign of Libra. The law! We’re curious about what information will surface once Pluto goes direct on October 4th. Truth may feel like a bitter pill to swallow. Nothing gets by these revealing aspects.
As the Moon passes Pluto on the 6th, the government is in the limelight. The communication planet, Mercury reveals more surprises regarding values and financial dealings as it opposes Uranus. How far have we been lead down the rabbit hole? What we learn now is likely to be shocking to say the least. October 7th the vitalizing Sun squares dutiful Saturn and we’re called to decisive action. Saturn demands integrity and discipline. We’re putting new systems in place and removing elements of distraction. Regardless of habit or tradition, worn out rules are replaced with innovation and far-forward ideals. Relationship oriented Venus moving into dynamic Scorpio on the 8th reveals new and fascinating partnerships.
We’re adjusting to innovative technology or new groups as Venus opposes Uranus on the 12th. Creative energy abounds with the quincunx of Mars to Uranus on the same day. Streamline processes and get excited about the breath of fresh air that rushes behind the stagnant past. October signals another shift in the pace of daily routines. You may need to take some kinks out of the water hose of life, but it’s just a hiccup compared to what you’ve navigated so far.
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