Full Moon in Scorpio
05/17/2019July’s New Moon Solar Eclipse
06/29/2019The New Moon in Gemini falls on June 3rd. Put your roller skates on. Now that the Sun is in Gemini our perceptions are turned up. Short trips and communications fill a bigger chunk of your time. With synchronistic Mercury heading into Cancer on the 4th much of what we discuss will be centered around family. Have you noticed your intuition flashes bits of information your way just before you need it? Yes, trust that gut feeling. It’s like learning a new language. Challenging and rewarding at the same time.
New routines demand a quick release of old habit patterns. Similar to building your muscles at the gym, repetition and consistency are required. The Pluto/Saturn conjunction is not for sissies. These two planets of transformation and responsibility are dismantling old structures. Brainstorm and vision your way forward with an eye to the future you want to create.
Neptune forms a T-square to both the Sun and Jupiter June 7th – 9th. Actions speak louder than word when it comes to revealing others values and ethics. Pay attention to these insights to help you navigate new contacts. Thoughts are things and have the potential to develop into creative ideas. Feed your imagination with positive outcomes and what can go right. A new chapter is likely around the end of Summer.
Long range goals take a back seat until August, when expansive Jupiter goes direct. For now, chummy Venus in Gemini enhances networking in your immediate neighborhood. Revisit contracts and paperwork that may require an element of legal expertise. June 10th presents a break or compromise in partnerships. A Kite forms on the 13th and brings an awareness of the karmic suitcase we’ve been carrying. Its contents hold a mirror to stay ever present in the now. Expectation and entitlement just create disappointment. Your creative edge requires honest self-reflection and managing fear of the unknown.
“Life is too brief to wake in the morning and walk backwards into the past.” Carolyn Myss
On the 14th the North Node connects with informational Mercury. People we meet around this date have a fated quality. Somewhat familiar, but alien. It seems we all have at least one family member like this, that is a lot more in tune with our thoughts and emotions. Our inner-web so to speak. That’s turned up to max mid-month, so pay attention to the messages that seem to appear like magic. According to mystical Neptune, even your dreams will have center stage. The Full Moon arrives on the 18th and we’ll see you then.
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