Pisces New Moon – February 2023
Aries New Moon – April 2023
03/21/2023Virgo Full Moon – March 2023
The Sun’s transit through dreamy Pisces feels like lingering as long as possible before releasing the comfort of sleep. In between, sleep and wakefulness can help us remember dreams. That’s Pisces territory. Opposite that is the Full Moon in Virgo. It’s a time of releasing. When we discard old routines or stale habits, we create energetic space for something new. Service and Mentorship are key words for Virgo. What changes would support your work and health? The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is 17 Virgo:
This eruption could be emotional, too. We’ve heard the phrase, “blow it up and start over”. In this case, the volcanic eruption is clearing – We may see changes in leadership as stern Saturn moves into Pisces on the same day. Saturn is that nudge that turns into guilt when you let things slide. It helps us stay on track and accomplish difficult tasks. We do the thing we’re not sure we can, because the feeling of giving up is worse. And, there’s something about a feeling of accomplishment that builds self-confidence, even if no one else see’s what we’ve done.
With Saturn in Pisces for the next 3 years, our dreams will be grounded. It’s a spiritual self-discipline like yoga or meditation, that done consistently builds stamina from the inside out. Things that make you go Om! Count on discipline to grow in those areas. Journaling you dreams is important too. They can help us solve problems and come up with amazingly creating solutions to pressing problems. The shadow is a procrastination that is sure to increase depression and boredom.
With curious Mercury moving though Pisces you’ll be able to create and communicate ideas with greater ease. As it catches up to the Sun, the invitation is to speak with compassion. Our understanding allows trust to build with friends and partners. Intuitive insights appear right on cue. Just remember to ask for help, and hold the door open for possibility to arrive in unexpected ways. A fabulous book on affirmation is, “It’s Not Your Money” Tosha Silver. The key is acting on our hunches. With Pluto moving in to Aquarius later this month, we’ll have a large community of inventive thinkers to join us. See you at the New Moon.
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