December’s New Moon 2018
12/21/2018Lunar Eclipse – January 2019
The New Moon and first Eclipse of 2019 are on January 5th. A Solar Eclipse is “the past somehow obscuring the present.” This cycle inspires us to join unusual groups connected to healing, the arts, or humanitarian efforts. The breakthrough influence of Uranus going direct eliminates any hesitancy to dive into something new. We’re getting the green light to create new routines. By the time inventive Uranus enters stable Taurus, (March 6th) we have a whole network of community support.
Part of 2019’s challenge is expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius for most of the year. Experiment. The archetype of the explorer wants to see new territory. Culture shock – imagine how you would survive in a foreigner’s shoes. That brings in the Eclipse energy with a line-up of planets in dutiful Capricorn. The Sun lines up with Saturn and requires accountability for a number of challenges. There is a feeling of accomplishment that is only accessed when we’ve put our best foot forward. A feeling of effort, and a knowing that our contribution made a difference. That’s the goal as we move into 2019. How will your effort count? How will you make a difference? What are you being held accountable for?
With archetypal Uranus the awakener, belief systems that hold us in circular patterns are being deconstructed. The Lunar Eclipse on January 20th falls is the Sabian Symbol 1 Leo, “Under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man’s head.” Every thing that could possible upset or throw you off center rushes to meet you. What you’re ready or face or heal is surfacing. And, it’s time to see how the past is obscuring the present. Michael Lutin describes the way forward as, “the Bottle or the Meeting.” Or mine… the cookie or the egg! Choose the metaphor that fits.
The Sun’s entry into farsighted Aquarius, also on the 20th highlights creativity. As action-oriented Mars moves confidently through Aries, we feel inspired to win over the competition. Learning to move your body and diffuse upsets with constructive action vs anger will be key. If anger snags you, focus on breathing and step into symbolic sight. See if you can put yourself in a larger frame of reference. Nothing will de-stress or calm us down like a strenuous walk or good workout. Once you’ve cleared the air, you can think more clearly. On the 24th Saturn dissolves any illusions and supports your goals for the New Year. Dream big, this is a year of transformation and hope.
Want to know more about your year ahead? Contact us today and schedule a session.