The Full Moon – April 2019
04/18/2019Full Moon in Scorpio
05/17/2019New Moon for May 2019
The first days of May were like the game of Monopoly. Do not pass Go! The New Moon on the 4th lands in the Sabian Symbol of 15 – Taurus, “A Man With Silk Hat, Muffled Against The Cold, Braves A Storm” When we experience times of hardship it’s not always apparent to other people. Going through a difficult time takes endurance, and belief that things will turn around. Believing there is a way through, like the Man With A Silk Hat, builds faith, hope and trust. Eventually the tide shifts to reveal how perseverance has brought our creative talents to the surface.
Communications take a slower pace when Mercury moves into Taurus on the 5th. Discussions center around finances and budgets. Compromise may be your best option when negotiating new plans. Instead of a straight line to your goal, adjustments and delays help discern the best action. Unexpected news around the 8th inspires you to vision additional possibilities. Watch for synchronicity, and meeting people who turn into fast friends.
The 9th shifts support for expanding your dreams. Whatever you’re focusing on has an element of grace and ease. Just don’t sleep through it! The Sun in stabilizing Taurus demands we take determined action. Feeling exhausted? That’s a sure sign we’re getting it right. Mid-May we have three significant shifts connected to family, finances and foresight. Information comes from different sources, so trust your gut to make difficult decisions. Listen to the still small voice within. Prayer or meditation get your further than taking a wild leap.
The Full Moon on the 18th is in the Sabian Symbol 29-Scorpio, “The King Of The Fairies Approaching His Domain” I think about how we struggle with tough situations over a long period of time. The journey, however frustrating or rewarding, brings us closer to ourselves. Our values. That understanding is what we reveal to others in relationship. Enduring the twists and turns serves a deeper purpose in our development and healing.
May 18th also reveals information that was previously hidden, and support comes from unexpected contacts. We’ll notice a distinct change of pace around the 21st. More on that in the Full Moon blog.
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