April’s New Moon 2018
04/15/2018New Moon May 15th 2018
05/14/2018As the Sun moves through earthy Taurus, our thoughts turn to longer days and warm weather. Taurus, like the turtle, has a slower pace. With expansive Jupiter now retrograde we feel the pause, nudging us to slow down. Saturn too, has retreated to help us decide what to rebuild, recycle and reuse. With both these planets retrograde, delays will be common place.
On April 29th the full Moon falls on the Sabian Symbol of 10 Scorpio, “A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades, Sharing a Meal”. We need the company of friends and family. Memories bring past experiences to light and we can laugh at the challenges and experiences of our shared past. Reunions and gatherings will be especially healing during this time-frame. The relationship planet Venus is helping us network and make connections in our neighborhood. Strike up a conversation and enjoy the synchronicity of meeting someone new. You just might find an answer you’ve been looking for.
Tasks that were put on the back burner can be tackled after the 11th. Your energy and drive will get a boost from the Aries Moon. Unexpected communications can put you in the right place at the right time on the 13th. More than one option can present itself. As Mercury goes into Taurus on the 14th , we can address any budget concerns. Keep an eye on spending as Uranus moves into this sign after the 15th. Money comes and goes just as quickly. And, projects could end up costing more than originally projected.
If you would like to know how these planets influence your personal chart, call and schedule an appointment today! www.whiteowlastrology.com