February’s New Moon 2019
02/02/2019New Moon March 2019
The Full Moon on February 20th opposes the Sun in Pisces. We have a chance to gauge how our efforts are manifesting. The Moon is in the Sabian Symbol 1-Virgo, “In a portrait, the best of a man’s traits and character are idealized.”
Whether you contemplate this statement with the current political climate, or another scenario, we can only go with facts. Things may not be as they appear. As we move into the second week of February the excitement of new information inspires us to take a risk. Relationships can be especially transformative, because the power of “the other” supports our efforts to accomplish much more than going solo. Just beware of power plays. Penetrating Pluto teams up with Venus to reveal our values, and your finances play into that scenario. This is often a signature for Big Money. Yes, I would buy a lotto ticket. Please send me 5% when you win.
What else is going on with this Pluto/Venus is the opportunity to heal old wound that are surfacing. The point of forgiveness is to let yourself off the hook. There’s no need to police the Universe! The best revenge is a happy life. Just move forward and try not to catch their karmic shrapnel. On the 24th the relationship planet, Venus, joins the South Node. This release point is syphoning excesses that simply are no longer a fit. Maturation requires simplifying from time-to-time. Like a kid going through a growth spurt, you may need more rest too.
Is it time to start a new chapter? Or, a whole new book? Only you can decide. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to step out of your comfort zone and learn something completely new. Cheers to the Warrior Spirit of Chiron entering Aries. Your tribe understands the unique qualities you bring to the table. By the 1st week in March, you’ll feel much more grounded. Information from dreams can pave the way to new insights for your future.
“Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation” Starhawk
Inspiration can become realization when you add effort. Sometimes it takes getting really still to hear the whisper of guidance. It’s always there… we just need to take the time to be present.