Solar Eclipse, February 2018
02/11/2018Pisces New Moon March 17
03/18/2018The first day of March is accented with a full Moon in Virgo. This sign is the archetype of the mentor. How are you building your skills through sharing what you know and learning from others? Getting really good at what you do can be full of trial and error.
This Virgo full Moon is reflecting areas where service plays a key role. What do you need to contribute to your job/career to feel fulfilled? Virgo is also concerned with health. How are you taking care of your body? Are you getting enough sleep? Addressing these details will make life run smoother.
The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is 12 Virgo: “A Bride With Her Veil Snatched Away” This is descriptive of commitments. Our evolving identity maintains a constant course by staying true to core values. You’re sure to be brimming with fresh ideas and meeting new people when Venus (relationships) and Mercury (communications) go into courageous Aries, March 5th.
Information surfaces through dreams when the Sun conjuncts imaginative Neptune the same week. Taking action on them is the key to getting on track. These transits also signal money coming from taxes or investments.Ideas you implement now take time to gain strength.
Goal oriented Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th. This backward journey lasts through mid-summer. Jupiter’s normally expansive energy is putting the brakes on big projects. Gaining traction requires slow and steady progress. You’ll appreciate this change of pace. It gives you a much-needed chance to re-group. Call it the “blessing in disguise”, although you may not recognize it until Jupiter goes direct in July.
The planets in Aries now include Mercury and Venus. Creativity and ambition are at an all-time high. While budgets can be challenging, we know Saturn in its own sign signals rewards for determination. Obstacles may seem to block you progress. Know that time is on your side. Slow and steady wins the race.
New relationships have you examining your personal code of ethics and integrity. We need to remain flexible about long-range planning. New business possibilities appear when Jupiter reaches the Sun opposition, around May 8th. (more about that in the next blog).
The Sun sextiles transformational Pluto creating an exciting shift in support on the 10th. Pluto has a reputation for penetrating insight. Trust your hunches to be extremely accurate. Mars, the planet of action, enters Capricorn on the 17th. Capricorn demands your best effort. The theme is exhausted or depressed. Nothing else will fly, so give it your best shot.
The new Moon on March 17th coincides with the Sabian Symbol 27 Pisces: “A Harvest Moon” While this is an abundant time, there is still a lot of work ahead. There may be a period of rest before tackling the tasks at hand.
The Sun’s entry into Aries on the 20th inspires us with a boost of energy. We’re encouraged to go after what we want. Since Venus (values) will be trine Mars (action), you’ll accomplish more in partnership than going solo. Your strengths will play to another’s weakness and vice-versa. Remember to respond when confronted verses the shadow, reacting.
The 22nd is the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde. Hopefully you’ve taken time to back-up your computer and electronic devices before this date. We don’t want to lose valuable information when technology hiccups. These retrogrades highlight diligence in that department.
Going back to the drawing board during this 3-week period is somewhat mandatory. Rushing ahead will only cause further delay. We tend to gloss over needed repairs and updates. Embrace this time to review and revise documents. Catch up! So what else can we do now? Patience and un-hooking from technology for extended periods enhances your creativity. Get bored. It will be good for your brain.
I love Brendan Buchard’s quote, “your inbox is someone else’s to-do list”. Getting organized will release clutter that keeps you in time-wasting loops. Let yourself brainstorms with a group around the 27th. Breakthroughs are possible when Venus (relationships) conjuncts Uranus (flashes of insight).
The genius of Uranus is the ability to see far forward. The inventor archetype urges us to implement new ideas. Mercury (synchronicity) conjuncts the Sun enhancing information at the end of the month. The full Moon on the 31st is 11 Libra: “A Professor Peering Over His Glasses” This degree is about specializing in what you do best. Until next month, lets focus on grateful aspects coming to support your intentions.
“Every thing I seek, is now seeking me, in perfect ways” Florence Shinn
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