Monthly Forecast June 2012
06/01/2012Monthly Forecast August 2012
07/31/2012Compromise will guide you into unknown territory this month, Aries. You could be juggling more than one job as you organize and prioritize to stay on a schedule. Creativity blossoms as you partner with others and initiate innovative ideas. Dissociation could hold you back, as wounded memories surface for examination. Reviewing a creative interest and working with children are good agents for healing. Jump on the opportunity to take in new scenes with a spontaneous get-away.
Affirmation: “Before I ask, it comes to pass, in perfect ways.”
Taurus, your finances could be stabilizing now that you’ve had a chance to review your finances and values. This month highlights both work and health as your energy gets a boost. Details become increasingly important and double checking your work intensifies as Mercury, planet of communication, starts a review of the past few weeks. Reorganize and prioritize work to stay on track as the pace picks up. Invest in family time and honor the gift that children demonstrate, by being totally present in the moment.
Affirmation: “I am now surrounded with unexpected joy, and the plan of my life takes shape.”
Gemini, the focus is on your children and creative pursuits this month. New friends pull you out to play and you are challenged to organize and prioritize your time and energy to accomplish long range goals. Increased communications force you to eliminate distractions. Getting on track with an educational or career plan is paramount to developing a new funding stream. Utilize your unique talents to break any barriers or doubts about your ability to excel.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open and I easily meet people to help me reach my goals.”
Cancer, activity in your home is increasing this month. Home renovation or a possible move could be in the works. There is a challenge to stay on track with a revised budget or financial plan. Going overboard on entertainment or pleasure could spell buyers remorse after mid-month. Changes in your career involve both innovation and technology. Keeping up with the pace could have you burning the midnight oil. You could be thrust into the limelight when it comes to your creativity.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open and I easily meet people to help me reach my goals.”
This month the pace of communications are quickening, Leo. Meetings and networking pair you with like minded individuals. A new business connection is likely to benefit your ever changing agenda. There is a feeling of filling every minute with activity…just be sure to balance work with play. Major changes in your career demand an innovative approach. You could benefit from the knowledge of a seasoned mentor. Travel or short trips to train are definitely worth the investment.
Affirmation: “Everything I spend is now returned in perfect ways, under grace”
Virgo, you could be considering opportunities to expand in your career this month. As Mars makes its way into the house of values and finances there is an ease of previous demands on your time and energy. Balancing responsibilities is accomplished easily when you tap into your intuition to make all the right moves. Working with others creates a transforming effect on your ability to glean information by observation and reflection. The genius in you comes forward to solve unexpected challenges and resolve issues.
Affirmation: “My actions open doors that were previously closed, and I enter confidently, in perfect ways.”
Libra, you may feel a bit of restlessness and an increase in your energy as the month takes off. It is important to develop a fitness routine or exercise your body to alleviate stress. There is a lot of activity around a group or community project. You could be going back to the drawing board to review or revise the ideas of the group. Others assist your efforts if you can remain flexible and keep your sense of humor. Big changes in your home require you to delegate responsibilities to those with the same vision.
Affirmation: “My creativity now finances my life in fun and unexpected ways.”
July is a month of extreme focus on the career front, Scorpio. You could be cleaning out the garage or clearing space for an ongoing project. It is important to let go of thoughts or ideas that no longer serve you. Changing one habit pattern or intention can spin positive energy into every area of your life. Unexpected challenges around your work or health cause you to re-evaluate your goals. Embrace an attitude of gratefulness or faith when the road gets rocky.
Affirmation: “I am now a magnet for every person, place or thing I need to accomplish my goals.”
You could have a full agenda when it comes to long distance trips or new goals this month, Sagittarius. Something is put on the back-burner as your revise plans and take a second look at investing in a long-term venture. Activities increase around community projects, and meeting new people could be just the ticket to finding the perfect partnership. You may need to merge teams or form new alliances to accomplish financial goals. Tap into funding streams around grants or government dollars for training.
Affirmation: “I give thanks for an answer to every question, and a solution to every problem, in perfect ways.”
Capricorn, the pace in your responsibilities picks up as July begins. New partners challenge you to take control and ownership of an important project. You could be reviewing financial obligations or money that is held jointly. A funding stream that is ending or starting to close will challenge you to partner with others. There is a change in the way your are viewed by your peers. An unexpected shift on the home-front could have you taking care of a family member or cause you consider relocation.
Affirmations: “Everything I need is now released and I am ready for the challenge, in perfect ways.”
Aquarius, this is a great month for you to go on a holiday. Even though work is demanding, and there is a lot going on in partnerships, taking time out inspires your creative mind. Restructuring projects or some plan, may be in order by mid-July. There is a challenge to re-frame your thinking. Mentor others or call in an expert to assist in your efforts. Technology or innovative approaches connect you with like minded allies.
Affirmation: “I now finance faith in my abilities, and the divine plan of my life begins to take shape.”
Jointly held finances are highlighted this month, Pisces. Spending money on a long-range goal could involve a new partner. Projects that are put on hold allow you to take a reprieve and catch your breath. Spending time with children energizes you and may cause you to reflect on memories from your youth. Look for opportunities to connect with others and consider an innovative product or service. Embrace new ideas where somehow things are falling stagnant or flat.
Affirmation: “I now connect easily with others and information flows effortlessly.“
Affirmations are by Terri Quintel and inspired from the “Writings of Florence Shinn”
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