Astrology for August 2020
07/28/2020Full Moon – September 2020
08/31/2020The New Moon on August 18th is in the Sabian Symbol 27 Leo, “Daybreak” We’re starting to sense new beginnings in different areas of our lives. Like a sprouted seed pushing up the soil… we lean toward new perspectives. Opportunities come from unexpected sources as Uranus sextiles Venus. Others hold half of the solution in our scenario. Attitude is a vital piece of this breakthrough energy. What we tell ourselves is part of creating a way forward. Utilizing gratitude and positive visioning are key. The next step is following our intuitive messages.
Mercury’s entry into discerning Virgo on the 20th highlights details, details, details. Projects take more time to get everyone on the same page. As relational Venus opposes expansive Jupiter, compromise is required to move forward.
Happy Birthday Virgo – the Sun highlights your sign on the 22nd. The driving energy of Mars square dutiful Saturn on the 24th wants to get things done. Value oriented Venus opposite fastidious Jupiter wants compromise in relationships. We’re still adjusting to new rules and guidelines. Delays will simply flush out the best course of action. These windows usher in creative solutions, and give you a healthier perspective. Intuitive Neptune is reflecting insight to synchronistic Mercury as the month closes. It just takes a few additional minutes of quiet to find the answers within.
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