Full Moon Forecast – January 2017
01/11/2017Monthly Forecast March 2017
02/28/2017The New Moon on January 29th falls in to 9th degree of Leo. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Glass Blowers Shape Beautiful Forms With Their Controlled Breathing”. New Moons symbolize beginnings. Visualizing your goals and focusing on the steps to take will contribute to your success. There is also a level of skill that comes to play. We’re talking about a becoming a crafts-person. The Sun and Moon in Aquarius are innovative. Stretch outside your normal routines. At this stage in the game we know that in order to experience a “lucky break” we’ve got to be taking some chances, and betting on ourselves.
On the 29th Mercury, planet of ideas and communication, lines up with Pluto. Pluto can literally throw the baby out with the bathwater. Whatever you’re discarding, it could be extreme. With these two planets in Capricorn you could be rebuilding a career or home. Capricorn is the structure and bones of things. It can feel stark and necessary at the very same time. Maybe it’s simply business practices that have gone stale. Fresh ideas and new territory are calling to be explored. With Mars, the planet of action moving into Aries, we’re ready to spice things up. Aries energy gets your heart to race. It’s laugh out loud fun. Mostly because its a little dangerous and edgy. Then, on February 3rd, the relationship planet Venus also moves into Aries. Your companions will not be satisfied to sit behind a television. It’s time to get outdoors. Explore and brainstorm ways to move in life enhancing directions. February 5th the planet of expansion, Jupiter, starts a 5 month retrograde. This will give you a good window to get up to speed on projects and learn whatever is necessary. You’ll be set to launch your goals once this beneficial planet goes direct.
February 7th, Mercury heads into Aquarius, giving your social life the thumbs up. Mingle with new groups in your community or take a class that stretches your imagination. Expect the unexpected when the Sun sextiles Uranus on the 9th. Have plenty of paper on hand to jot down your flashes of insight. We’ll see you back here for news on the Lunar Eclipse on February 11th. For a closer look at how these influences will play out in your chart, call and schedule a session today!