Full Moon Forecast October 2018
10/23/2018Mercury Retrograde November 2018
11/16/2018The Sabian Symbol for November’s New Moon is 16 Scorpio, “A girls face breaking into a smile” Breakthroughs are possible and there is support from visionary Neptune. Having faith is challenging. Holding two thoughts at the same time is equally challenging. Lean in to optimism. Learning to trust is a big part of the equation. Neptune clarifies our dreams, hunches and intuition. Our focus has primarily been on adjusting our values and testing partnerships. Now that Jupiter moves into adventurous Sagittarius, November 8th, we’re infused with a spirit of exploration, travel and higher education. Positive energy is contagious enough to release stress. See how quickly your energy shifts after a good laugh. That’s Sagittarius at it’s best.
On the 9th negotiations pave the way to better understanding. We may need to try on another’s shoes – metaphorically speaking. Empathy demonstrates your ability to listen – even if you don’t agree. Being heard goes a long way toward mending fences in challenging situations. The 11th signals a new start to go along with the New Moon energy. Transformative plans are in the works. Unexpected support and camaraderie are yours “if you ask”. Help from behind the scenes is available. If receiving is difficult, think of the feeling you have when helping someone. A humble attitude and grateful heart are all that’s required.
“Support is in the wings”. Angels 101
A cycle of evolution is pulling us toward a challenge that is focused on family. Nurture those close to us, be they friend or relative. I’m thinking of the quote, “it takes a village”. Maybe you’ve noticed your intuition being turned up a notch or two as well. That’s part of the North Node going into the sign of Cancer. Quiet is you new comfort zone, and it’s no wonder we’ll be craving less external noise in these next 19 months. Healing takes center stage.
On the 16th we complete our review of partnerships and values. It’s no mistake that the communication planet, Mercury, goes retrograde that same day. Help others understand your internal process, and catch up to your thinking. Reviewing our newly formed ideas and plans will get everyone on the same page before you begin. Yes, before you begin. The last statement bears repeating. Details, details, details. Focusing on one task at a time will expedite the process. The green light for new starts is December 6th. Patience will pay off. I’ll have more on that at the Full Moon on November 22nd…just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. Until then, check out the newly revised website. Special thanks to Jeffery Dawson, award winning photographer, for the amazing photos. www.TerriQuintelAstrology.com