Monthly Forecast August 2011
07/31/2011October 2011 Forecast
This month is full of twists and turns as Mercury gains its momentum into direct motion from late August, Aries. There is plenty of activity in the home as you refine your values and clear out unnecessary clutter. Pay attention to details of a business plan and be persistent with any projects you start now. Opportunities for expansion manifest when you let others help. New ideas come as flashes of intuition, and your focus is crystal clear when sharpened with exercise, rest and proper nutrition.
Affirmation: “I look with wonder at that which is before me.” *
Taurus, your house of creativity is highlighted this month and children can play an important role in helping you discover a hidden talent. Putting your energy behind projects at work will alleviate stagnation and provide stability to get off the ground. Stress could show up from taking on too many responsibilities so delegation is key. Start a program of proper nutrition and exercise to boost your energy.
Affirmation: “Every loving and unselfish thought has in it the germ of success.” *
Gemini, your home gets a makeover this month as you organize and let go of unnecessary clutter. There is a new level of responsibility that may end up feeding your creativity in a way you had not expected. You could see a change in your finances so spend wisely and curtail impulsive spending. Changes in your routine make it imperative you stick to an exercise routine to burn off stress.
Affirmation: “Nothing is too wonderful to happen.” *
There is a lot of activity in your immediate neighborhood as you settle into familiar routines, Cancer. Prioritize your schedule to stay on top of the “to do” list. As you initiate new projects, friends and colleagues step up to share the responsibility. A journal can help you track expenses and stay on budget. A new job or project at work could generate additional income for a long-range investment. Compromise will be vital to getting your needs met, so pick your battles wisely.
Affirmation: “The unexpected happens, my seemingly impossible good now comes to pass.” *
Leo, you could be re-evaluating long term investments or revising your finances to meet immediate needs. Taking a close look at your budget is essential to stay on-track with responsibilities. Release any negative energy or stress with exercise or a fitness routine. Powerful people are stepping up to assist you and connections you make now can develop into life long friendships. Look at both sides of a conflict before jumping on one side over the other.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, under grace, in perfect ways.” *
Virgo, as much as you like to be of service to others, September is a time to focus on your own needs. Accountability for community projects and media lead to opportunities that manifest almost from thin air. Your creativity gets a boost and communication increases in your home as children take more of a role in your life. Adding a layer of responsibility highlights your ability to lead and keep a level head.
Affirmation: “My good now overtakes me in a surprising way”. *
Libra, this month could find you cleaning out your closets and eliminating unwanted baggage, not just physically but also mentally. Prioritize your work schedule to free up time to spend with your partner. Mix up routines and go out of your way to create spontaneous fun. Connections behind the scenes can help uncover a cherished goal. Dreams are rich in detailed symbolism so take note. A renovation or relocation could be in the works.
Affirmation: “Seemingly impossible doors now open, seeming impossible channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
Scorpio, this September can find you more active in your community and working with others toward shared goals. Committees could pose a challenge as you display a rebellious approach to a stagnant issue. Your ability to state ideas concretely makes you the perfect a spokes person. Flashes of insight pave the way to dynamic changes on the job. Any contributions could pay off in rewards down the road.
Affirmation: “Seeming impossible doors now open, seeming channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
Sagittarius, your career can be demanding this month, as details of programs need to be reorganized and checked. There is an expansive feeling to your responsibilities and the challenge to manage advice from outside the trenches. Your ability to negotiate and prioritize will come in handy. A major shift in finances can open the door to organizing a community project. Use your farsightedness to coach others toward their highest potential.
Affirmation: “I now thank God the giver, for God the gift.” *
Capricorn, as you sift through the details of long-range goals, new opportunities present themselves. Connections you make through children or sports will inspire you to reach in diverse directions. You are pushed into the limelight as the month progresses, and your ideas are needed to coach or lead others. There is a deep rumbling in your core to find your voice and put your principles to work. Share your expertise, and take unexpected changes in stride.
Affirmations: “New channels of activity are opening for me now, in perfect ways.” *
Aquarius, the intensity is turned up this month as joint resources come to light and you focus energy on the details of your work. Regenerating old ideas will be useful when it comes to developing long-term goals. You could be spending your hard earned dollars on higher education, long distance trips or some travel abroad. Relocation could be possible if you are open to exploring something new and different.
Affirmation: “Unexpected doors are open, unexpected channels are free, in perfect ways.” *
Pisces, partnerships are highlighted during the month of September. People you have not heard from will be vying for your attention. Community ties need your vision for existing projects. Communication is key to negotiating financial details, and journaling can expose practical aspects to share with others. Picking up an old hobby or sport will increase your pleasure and support you in unexpected ways.
Affirmation: “Every person is a golden link in the chain of my good.” *
* Affirmations are from “The Writings of Florence Shinn.”
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