Astrology June 2020
05/30/2020Astrology for August 2020
07/28/2020July starts slowly as we work through the last days of the Mercury retrograde in Cancer. “Coming Home” takes on a new meaning with the climate of the pandemic. We’re in a deep dive to connect with our feeling nature. This inner listening enhances our intuitive senses. Breath-work and yoga change how events live in our body. Get moving!
The last of three eclipses occurs July 5th at 14 Capricorn. We can create foundations vs limitations. And while this is the end of one chapter, the Solar Eclipse (June 21st) will play out over the next three to six months. New starts are possible once we navigate the crazy days of summer. The Saros cycle for these eclipses states, “Events can occur which seem to block the individual. In this blocking the individual is very prone to misjudge his or her strengths or the situation and is best advised to wait until the eclipse passes before taking any real action.” Bernadette Brady
Mars in courageous Aries can ignite our fear. While caution is wise, invest more in faith. Respond to challenges instead of eliciting a knee-jerk reaction. Airing grievances will de-escalate power-struggles the 12th – 15th. As Mercury turns direct, (also on the 12th) we slowly pick up the pace of new routines. An updated vocabulary ignites our words to express updated ideas.
Breakthrough solutions are possible around the 22nd when the Sun moves into creative Leo. Scientific Uranus contacts synchronistic Mercury for unexpected insights. These pairings join community and the collective consciousness. Expansive Jupiter joins transformative Pluto to kindle our extra sensory perceptions. We’re learning to trust the heart (4th Chakra) over the head (6th Chakra). Watch a tendency to dissolve into escapist behavior. Anything that numbs (Neptune) is just hiding your light (Jupiter).
The pioneering spirit of Jupiter sets its sights on visionary Neptune the last two weeks of July. Partnerships reveal what we would otherwise miss. You also hold the key for others to make advances. A routine of effort starts to pay off. Insights are revealed the last days of July with intuitive Mercury uncovering secrets (Pluto). Riding emotional waves takes courage and fortitude.
Adjusting our expectations will release pressure on our fellow companions. We’re all in this boat together. Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
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