Monthly Forecast July 2016
06/30/2016November Full Moon 2016
11/13/2016Scorpio New Moon Forecast OCTOBER 30th
The New Moon is in the 8th degree of Scorpio on the 30th. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “The Silvery Moon Shining Across a Beautiful Gem of a Lake”. We’re looking in a mystical type mirror now. There is a sense of quiet and inner reflection. This is not a surface level experience. Scorpio energy demands we dive deep within our consciousness. Healing, honesty and truth work well under this New Moon, but anything less will fall short of the mark. As we move further into November listen to the inner voice. During the first week this New Moon trines Neptune. Dreams and visioning goals with the intended positive outcome is highlighted. The communication planet, Mercury, is in close proximity… you can perceive what is not being said in conversations. Or, tap into the emotions that lie behind words that others speak. Intentions will stand out more than what is being conveyed.
On the 5th, Venus, planet of relationships and values, will challenge Uranus. We can have a breakthrough in relationships or an unexpected connection that rocks our world. Stay open to flashes of insight that Uranus brings. We see seeds of change flowing to stagnant systems. The “Reality Check” lingering from the September eclipse will bring new ideas and groups together. With Venus (relationship/values) and Saturn connecting we feel lots of support for negotiations in the workplace. There could be a contract or project getting underway too… and the transit Sun is excited by Pluto’s transformational energy. This momentum keeps everyone on-track. Adjustments to an-others schedule are all part of the dance of give and receive.
Mars going into Aquarius on November 8th will bring out your inventive side. Group projects are given the green light. With Venus going into Capricorn on the 11th we’re hyper conscious of budgetary matters. Time to balance your accounts. Mercury, Planet of communication, moving into Sagittarius on the 12th will fill us with a restlessness to either travel or teach others what we know. Publishing is part of this cross-cultural exchange too. Writing gets the nod for expressing your opinion. If you are curious how this all plays out for Election Day, I would venture to say we’ll have an unexpected delay…possibly weather related. There’s no clear winner until mid-month. I’ll be back at the Full Moon for the rest of the story…