Full Moon June 27th and Mars Retrograde
06/25/2018July 27th Lunar Eclipse 2018 – Get Uncomfortable
07/23/2018July 12th marks the New Moon, Solar Eclipse. So, what does that mean exactly? Well, as you can imagine it’s different for everyone. Depending on where the eclipse lands in your astrological house of life experience. Let’s look at how those experiences might be similar. A New Moon is time for something new. It’s exploring new territory. But, what seems to be safe can create exactly the fear you were trying to avoid!
When we examine how the other planets might influence this event… one thing stands out. Pluto. Yes, the dwarf planet that was dismissed like a Snow-White reject. Well, dynamite happens to come in a small package. Let that last sentence sink in. Not that were blowing anything up, but transformation usually involves a ground up process.
The current Mars retrograde has been nudging us to get out of our comfort zone and discover a creative link to pull us forward. What’s the passion you can breathe life in to? What risk would be a thrill to initiate? Pluto asks us to get our power in present time and supports the will to accomplish what you set out to do. Get around any obstacle by 1. changing your thoughts (to possibility) 2. acting on your intuitive (gut) hunches.
It’s time to let your potential shine. As Carl Ally said, “Either you let life slip away by not doing the things you want to do, or you get up and do them.” We’ll feel the eclipse most strongly for the next six weeks but it can influence the next six months. This New Moon in Cancer also highlights home and family. Expect emotions to be closer to the surface.
July 13 – 14th relationships take center stage and we expand through others expertise. Mentoring and team efforts run smoothly. The 16th – 22nd Adjustments to plans cause you to consider new options in work or career. Brainstorming may be your best option when collaborating on team projects. Remember to roll with changes and test the best way forward.
July 21st – 22nd Relationships get a boost. Exploring new territory can inspire a creative idea, but don’t get too caught up in details on the 24th. Imagination and vision can lead you to the same result.
The 25th – 27th you feel the challenge to re-evaluate your time or investment in community groups. The Mercury retrograde will give you three weeks to prioritize and review the “worth it” formula. Now’s your time to get caught up on that “to do” list. Initiating ideas and promotions take a back seat until August 20th. Sometimes delays are just a blessing in disguise. Have a backup plan to fill any gaps in your schedule.
The Lunar Eclipse (July 27th) is carrying a more emotional energy that reflects how far we’ve come. Just that – settle in and ask – what feels right? Discovering possibilities takes time, and even more time to overcome the inertia of our past.
To see how Astrology can help your plan for the coming year, contact us today! www.WhiteOwlAstrology.com