Monthly Forecast March 2016
03/01/2016Monthly Forecast June 2016
06/04/2016I’m guessing you’ve read more than one article about the slow down this month. Just when you think things are caught up…more work pours in or past mistakes pop-up to be resolved. And that’s just week one! How we go after what we want is represented by Mars transiting around your chart. Where-ever the red planet passes, you’ll find action. When it’s retrograde, like from now until the end of June, it’s good to set goals. When it retrogrades again in 2 years, you’ll be ready to set new ones. Mars in Sagittarius influences how we move forward. Higher education and cross cultural themes will help get you to the finish line. Be open to different perspectives and get out of your comfort zone. Sagittarius likes to tread unfamiliar territory, so at least half of your journey will involve exploring. Excited? Then you’re on the right track.
The New Moon, May 6th, carries the Sabian Symbol of 17 Taurus. “A battle between swords and the torches.” According to Mark Edmond Jones, “When positive, this degree is high organizational skill and an ability to bring the magic of understanding to any specific difficulty.” Good to keep in mind while navigating the month ahead. When we get to the mid-point of the current Mercury retrograde cycle, May 9th, there is another significant event on the same day…Jupiter goes direct. While you may not be ready to move forward with projects, you’ll definitely receive more insight now. Jupiter in Virgo is an energy that demands we do our best. Details and patience are you comrades. Rushing just won’t provide the confidence that diligence and time afford.
May 10th is a great day to gamble on something. Take a chance. Put your energy behind a creative project…meet new friends. Relationships are good with Venus lining up with the Sun. And, she gets a special trine from Jupiter too! Nice… Networking and re-connecting with like-minded friends could help you glean new ideas and inspiration. The Sun moving into Gemini on the 20th will pick up the pace in your communications. Just remember that Mars retrograde can have us burning the candle at both ends. Watch a tendency to over schedule and rest when you are tired. You’ll be able to launch those plans June 29th…when Mars goes direct. For now, back to the drawing board. Bill Tierny stated it best in his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, “Mars transiting in retrograde phase urges for constructive alteration of an energy pattern that otherwise could end up becoming very self-depleting and non-productive.”
On the 22nd, Mercury goes direct in Taurus. We are back on the information highway once again. Hopefully we’ve been able to enjoy the slower pace and connect with others on a deeper level. These retrogrades can catch us off guard and feeling somewhat vulnerable. Hopefully you’re around groups of people that are safe and conscious of the energy dynamic. It probably feels like May is a repeat of activity and tasks you’ve already experienced. Such is the nature of planets tracing over the same degrees. On the 26th we feel pressure to restructure, Saturn, areas of our life that might be stagnant. Jupiter helps us reach toward a long range goal. Adjustments and revisions are part of the mix when Mars backs into Scorpio. Utilize your dreams or a vision board to gain insight and clarity. Until next month…