June Forecast 2017
06/01/2017The New Moon & Lunar Eclipse January 2018
01/16/2018As we enter the first few days of 2018, there is a serious tone to the atmosphere. The combination of the planet Saturn in Capricorn, and the upcoming eclipse, push at our core values.
Saturn represents a great work in our chart, and lures us to exhaustion to complete our goals. Depression would be the result of ignoring this call to achievement.
Although the eclipse is not until Jan. 31st we feel it’s rumblings a full month before and after this date. Have you recently made decisions to change the course of your life? How are you experiencing the pressure to achieve at work?
According to Bernadette Brady, this eclipse is “concerned with ideas and their enthusiastic expression.” Going along with new ideas can produce positive outcomes.
The eclipse is exact at 12 degrees of Leo. The Sabian Symbol for that degree is, “An Evening Garden Party of Adults.” We need to meet new people and network for balance. Also, getting a break from routine gives us a fresh perspective on our goals. It is especially important to balance work with relaxation during this period.
If this eclipse is triggering a planet in your natal chart, this balance may need serious adjustment and will feel profound. Integrating new ideas and breaking out of well-worn ruts will fuel your self-expression. The North Node in Leo is about getting your power in present time, and the South Node in Aquarius is letting go of stifling conformity.